Using Sound Nodes, you can play sound effects or background music.
Sound - Play Sound Effect
Figure 1. Play Sound Effect Sound Node.
The Play Sound Effect node allows you to play a one-shot sound effect when the node is executed. It consists of the following parameters:
Sound Effect: A drop down bar where you can choose from different built-in sound effects in StudyCrafter.
Volume: The volume of the sound. The value should be a Float value between 0 to 1.
Test Sound: You can listen to the sound by clicking this button.
Advances to next Node: Defines how the next node will be executed after the Sound node is executed:
On Click: The next node will be called if players click the mouse button.
When Completed: The next node will be automatically called when the sound is ended.
Instantly: The next node will be automatically called when the sound begins.
After Time: The next node will be automatically called after a certain amount of time that you define.
Sound - Play/Stop Background Music
You can set background music by using Play Background Music Sound node; you can stop the background music by using Stop Background Music Sound node. Only one background music can be played at a time. Connecting a new Play Background Music Sound node without stopping the previous one will overwrite the background music. You can use the “Background Music” drop down menu to select the music from different built-in sound effects/background music in StudyCrafter. You can also adjust volume by changing the value in the “Volume” input bar. The value of the volume should be a Float number between 0 to 1. The background music will automatically loop until you stop playing it.
Sound - Play/Stop Sound Loop
The Play/Stop Sound Loop Sound nodes have the same functionality as the Sound – Play/Stop Background Music Sound nodes. It provides you a way to play 2 looped background music/sound effects at the same time.