Event Node

The Event node marks the beginning of an event that can be triggered outside the main flow of the game. You can connect and organize nodes within an event just as you would in the main flow, which starts from the Start Node. The nodes will execute in order from the Event node when the event is triggered. The Event node consists of following parameters:
- Trigger: You can choose from different triggers that would start the event.
- ObjectClick: The event will start if players click on a certain object. You can choose the object in the drop down menu below the Trigger drop down menu.
- KeyPressed: The event will start if players press a certain key. You can choose the key in the drop down menu below the Trigger drop down menu.
- KeyHeld: The event will start and loop if players hold a certain key. You can choose the key in the drop down menu below the Trigger drop down menu.
- KeyUp: The event will start if players release a certain key. You can choose the key in the drop down menu below the Trigger drop down menu.
- TimePassed: The event will start after a certain amount of time. You can define the time by inputting a Float value in the “Enter text…” input bar.
- Starts Active: The Event can only be triggered if it is active. Selecting the ‘Starts Active’ checkbox will activate the event when the scene is loaded; otherwise, the event will remain inactive. To change the active state of an event, see also “Call Function – Activate Event” and “Call Function – Deactivate Event” in Onboarding.
- Takes Focus: If the Takes Focus checkbox is selected, the main flow will pause when the event is triggered and will continue after the event is completely executed. Otherwise, the event and the main flow will run simultaneously.
- Event Name: The name of the event. You have to define the name of the event. The name must be different from existing Events and Functions (See also “Make Function” in Onboarding). The name must start with a letter or underscore (_). The name can contain Unicode letter characters, decimal digit characters, Unicode connecting characters, Unicode combining characters, or Unicode formatting characters. For more information, see C# identifier naming rules and conventions.