Can I request data about my students’ behavior on the platform?
No. As per our privacy policy, we do not share any data from users. You can, however, look at the usage statistics of registered users on their profile.
No. As per our privacy policy, we do not share any data from users. You can, however, look at the usage statistics of registered users on their profile.
Projects have a remix history with a description of the changes. Make students aware of this transparency and use this remix history to assess if students put in enough effort.
No. This feature is currently not available. Each student will have to sign up individually.
Teachers can create a Community Lab and request their students to sign up for this lab.
There are several opportunities, from letting students experience classical experiments to teaching them how to conduct research. We discuss these opportunities in detail at our Education page.
Currently, the platform is restricted to users 18 years or older. However, we are considering how we can make this work for K-12 education. In the meantime, you can use the offline editor.
Yes. In fact, StudyCrafter has been developed to transform current research methods education and we are looking for partners to implement it in the classroom to evaluate its educational impact. See our Education page.